Help! My game does not load.

The following steps often help:

1. Close all internet browsers and re-open the website.

2: Refresh the website (Ctrl + F5).

Still doesn’t work? Try using a different browser (we suggest the latest version of Google Chrome). We recommend you set your browser to enable local storage and cookies while playing on our site.

This allows you to to use features like logging in and saving your game progress. If also all previous steps won’t work, you can clear your cache memory (Ctrl+Shift+Delete, and select everything except the passwords for verification).

Please, be aware that, if you are playing a casual game, by doing that you will lose your game progress. If you are playing a social game, you can try this procedure with no risk of losing progress.

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    Monica McKinnie

    I can't find anywhere to report this but the Manamancers game is not loading properly. It gets to 100% and then it just sits there blinking NotSoCasual at me. I have followed your cache clearing recommendation and I am already playing on chrome

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    First, Hidden Express would not load now the site says it does not have that game. Answers please?

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    Castle a dangerous game will not load. Most of my friends are having the same issue. I clear cache & do a full scan every night. I already use the latest version of Google Chrome. Weeks have gone by...still won't load.

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    Omi Scorpio786

    Hi sir,
    my goodgame empire is not loading..i followed all your given steps.
    it is giving error "The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
    what should i do?

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    Geneva Snyder

    Since the afternoon of 4/28 I have not been able to load operate Now. I have hard started my phone, cleared the cache, and uninstalled the game, cleared my cache and reloaded the game. I have also tried resetting my home Wi-Fi, connecting via Wi-Fi and my cellular networks.
    Is a server down?

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    Geneva Snyder

    After the loading screen sits a while it pops up with the "The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." Error

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    Geneva Snyder

    After the loading screen sits a while it pops up with the "The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." Error

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    Marcia Noel

    For over a week when it gets to the blue loading screen then it stops and nothing happens. I used to enjoy several of your puzzle games but will have to look elsewhere for these type of games.

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    Ryan Moore

    It says 5 friends but wont give me any of the rewards next to it. Why?

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    your games are not loading for the last week

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